On Nina Bandelj and Frederick F. Wherry (2011), The cultural wealth of nations

Zsofia Bauer


The authors of this volume investigate their posed questions about the cultural wealth of nations by relying on the traditions of Viviana A. Zelizer and Alejandro Portes, who had ‘visions of an economic sociology that enfolds culture and development into its core’ (p. x.). Cultural economic sociology seeks to analyze the effects that culture, cultural differences and cultural heritage can have on economies through using sociological methods and theories to dissect how (intentionally or unintentionally) cultural advantages/cultural wealth can contribute to economic growth and local development.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.14267/cjssp.2013.02.06


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ISSN: 2062-087X

DOI: 10.14267/issn.2062-087X