Patterns of Narratives on How to Prevent Violence Against Women: Context of the Ontogenic and Microlevels of the Ecological Model of Violence Against Women

Josphine Hapazari


Violence against women (VAW) is a widespread human rights abuse, and it is persevering despite the efforts of various government ministries, non-governmental organizations, civic societies, communities, and individuals to combat it. In this article, I explore the patterns of narratives of people who perpetrate VAW, survivors of VAW, and people who solve VAW cases, that is, police officers and village chiefs. I problematize the social construction of gender that occurs in most patriarchal families since it favours men over women, inculcating male supremacy. I argue that most men in patriarchal societies exhibit dominance over females, which heightens women’s susceptibility to VAW. Therefore, I asked participants their views on what individuals and families can do to prevent VAW within their communities. Heise’s (1998) ecological model of violence against women underpinned this study. The study focuses on the ontogenic level and the micro-level only, unearthing patterns of narratives that focus on individual people and families in the Maseru district of Lesotho. Results are envisaged to assist policymakers in proffering relevant social policies grounded on empirical research.


Lesotho, ontogenic level, micro-level, violence against women, prevention practices

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ISSN: 2062-087X

DOI: 10.14267/issn.2062-087X