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Birner, Jack
Biró A., Zoltán, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Biswas, Debajyoti, Bodoland University (India)
Blokker, Paul, Department of Sociology University of Trento via Verdi, 26 I-38100 Trento Italy (Italy)
Bocskor, Ákos, Corvinus University of Budapest HAS Centre for Social Sciences CSS-RECENS
Bocskor, Ákos
Bögre, Zsuzsanna
Bolcic, Silvano
Boldvai-Pethes, Laura
Bozkurt, Veysel, Istanbul University
Brandes, Ulrik, University of Konstanz (Germany)
Brzozowski, Przemysław, University of Bialystok (Poland)
Budiono, Budiono, Universitas Padjadjaran (Indonesia)
Bussmann, Margit, University of Greifswald (Germany)
Butkeviciene, Egle, Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)


Cena, Rebeca B., CONICET-IIGG-UBA, Mar del Plata University. CIES (Argentina)
Chahbenderian, Florencia, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, CONICET (Argentina)
Civinskas, Remigijus, Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
CJSSP, Editors
Conde Caballero, David, Universidad de Extremadura
Constantine, Collin, SOAS, University of London (United Kingdom)
Crespi, Isabella, University of Macerata Dept. Education (Italy)
Crosby-Nagy, Michelle
Csathó, Ábel

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